
The history of the company Pandi Services J. & K. Brons GmbH, formerly known as J. & K. Brons, goes back to the year 1865. The company was founded as branch office of the trading firm Y. & B. Brons. Johann and Karl – J. & K. – were sons of Ysaac Brons and his wife Antje.

By the year 1902 the company had been appointed to act as P&I Correspondents for The Shipowners’ P&I Club.

From 1952 to 2017 the company was owned by the Bremen based Kühl family. First managed by Heinz Kühl followed by his son Thomas Kühl.

In June 2017 the company became part of the bMC group, which was founded in Hamburg by Captain Dennis Brand and Heiko Förster in 2014.

In August 2019 the company was audited by Lloyds Register Quality Assurance, from that time the Quality Management System was certified under the ISO9001:2015 standard.

Courtesy of Dr. Claas Brons, Emden

Services & Expertise

Pandi services is certified by Lloyds Register Quality Assurance under the ISO 9001:2015 standard.

Our expertise includes the handling of:

  • Claims Management
  • Ocean vessel claims
  • Inland navigation vessel claims / CMNI
  • Groundings
  • Salvages
  • Wreck removals
  • Arrests
  • Charter party disputes
  • Damages to FFO / quays / locks / fenders / terminals
  • Collisions
  • Passenger claims
  • Pollution claims
  • Fines
  • Stowaways / repatriations
  • Agent’s / Surveyor’s / Ship manager’s liability (Liability of intermediaries)
  • FD&D claims
  • Claims Management
  • Cargo claims
  • Container claims
  • Abandonments / destruction of cargo
  • Shortage claims
  • Claims Management
  • Personal injury / illness / death
  • Hospitalization / medical cost control / repatriation
  • Crew claims / repatriation
  • Labour disputes
  • Claims Management
  • Multimodal claims
  • Freight liability claims
  • Airfreight claims / MC
  • Road haulage claims / CMR
  • Handling of mass claims of all kinds
  • Casualty / loss investigation
  • Recoveries
  • Issuance of Guarantees & Letters of Undertaking on behalf of insurers
  • Appointment of surveyors, lawyers, other experts
  • Condition surveys
  • Cargo condition surveys
  • Pre-loading surveys / discharge quality controls
  • Draft surveys
  • On/Off-hire & bunker surveys

PANDI SERVICES J. & K. BRONS HAMBURG is network partner of the TT Club.
The TT Club is the leading supplier of insurance cover for the international transport and logistics industry.

PANDI SERVICES J. & K. Brons GmbH undertook an audit process carried out by Lloyds Register Quality Assurance and gained certification under the ISO 9001:2015 standard in August 2019. The Management System was audited and approved and covers the following activities;

  • Protection and Indemnity Insurer correspondence service
  • Claims handling relating to marine insurance

Should you require further details relating to the certification, please get in touch.


The team of PANDI SERVICES consists of highly qualified Master Mariners, Lawyers and Shipping Specialists who gained their wide-spread experience in different fields of the international transport industry.



Rödingsmarkt 43
20459 Hamburg

Tel.: +49 40 36 98 18 0
Fax: +49 40 3698 1819
E-Mail: corresp@pandi.de


An der Reeperbahn 6
28217 Bremen

Tel.: +49 421 30 88 70
Fax: +49 421 30 88 732
E-Mail: corresp@pandi.de


Altes Zollamt Raum OG 1.04
Am Zollhof 1

Tel.: +49 421 30 88 70
Fax: +49 421 30 88 732


Am Skandinavienkai 15
18147 Rostock

Tel.: +49 40 36 98 18 0
E-Mail: corresp@pandi.de


Börsenstrasse 42
26382 Wilhelmshaven

Tel.: +49 4421 75 45 20
Fax: +49 4421 75 45 210
E-Mail: corresp@pandi.de


Schlossstr. 37, 4th Floor
56068 Koblenz

Tel.: +49 40 36 98 18 0
Fax: +49 40 36 98 18 19
E-Mail: corresp@pandi.de


25 Old Broad Street
London EC2N 1HN
United Kingdom

Tel.: +44 20 38 08 09 37
E-Mail: london@brand-marine.com


Capital Square, Level 7
23 Church Street
Singapore, 049481

Tel.: +65 6263 6246
E-Mail: singapore@brand-marine.com


Celero House
3, Business & Industrial Park
Riche Terre 21803

Tel.: +230 52513225
E-Mail: ops@pandiindianocean.com


Enceinte COMATO, Avenue de France
Avenue de France Route du Port
Mahavatse II, BP 460, Tulear 601

Tel.: +261 32 11 711 15
E-Mail: ops@pandiindianocean.com


17 Rue Roland Hoareau
97420 Le Port
La Reunion

Tel.: +262 692 65 51 25
E-Mail: ops@pandiindianocean.com


P.O. Box 336, The Wheelhouse
New Port, Victoria
Mahé Seychelles

Tel.: +248 262 72 92
E-Mail: ops@pandiindianocean.com